Mormon Stories Podcast

Are They Credible?

Mormon Stories publishes thousands of videos on social media, all providing negative information about the Church.  But can you trust them to provide accurate information?


Luke 3:14 "Do violence to no man, neither accuse any falsely; 

Mormon Stories' stated mission is to "Promote understanding, healing, growth, and community for those experiencing or impacted by religious transition".  But they published this video of a guest threatening violence against Elder Dallin H Oaks.  Credible?


Helaman 4:12 "Making a mock of that which was sacred, 

denying the spirit of prophecy and of revelation

Even knowing how sacred the temple ceremony is to members of the Church, Mormon Stories published an interview with a guest who filmed the temple ceremony for the purpose of making an adult film.  Credible?


Alma 1:5  "And it came to pass that he did teach these things so much

 that many did believe on his words, even so many that they began to 

support him and give him money.

Mormon Stories Podcast has produced over 2100 videos with over 108,000,000 views on YouTube alone.  They made three-quarters of a million dollars in both 2021 and 2022 (2023 not yet available). Their CEO took home about 1/3 of that.  Most of their revenue comes in the form of donations from those in a faith crisis or who feel contempt for the Church.  Therefore, the primary way for them to increase their profits and CEO salary is by expanding the number of people in a faith crisis or who feel contempt for the Church.  Hence, the videos. There is a direct correlation between the number of views a critical organization receives and its revenue growth. The more faith they shake, the more money they make.  Their IRS Filings provide evidence:

IRS Documents showing Mormon Stories Revenue at around three-quarters of a million dollars

YOY Revenue

Mormon Stories Year over Year Revenue from Donations

Views vs Revenue

Mormon Stories Revenue compared to number of views on YouTube

Mormon Stories' 2022 CEO Salary - from their own IRS reporting

Mormon Stories CEO Salary for 2022
Mormon Stories CEO Salary Year over Year


Mosiah 26:6  "For it came to pass that they did deceive 

many with their flattering words, who were in the church

In their zeal to solicit their followers for donations, Mormon Stories completely misrepresented their own financial status, using misinformation tactics on the people that mean most to them... their own followers.  Credible?


Alma 5: 30-31  "And again I say unto you, is there one among you 

that doth make a mock of his brother, or that heapeth upon him persecutions?

Wo unto such an one, for he is not prepared, and the time is at hand that he must repent

When responding to the fact that faithful organizations such as FAIR Latter-day Saint, Interpreter Foundation, and Scripture Central are completely voluntary and pay no executive salary, they simply mocked them.  Credible?


2 Nephi 26 "Wherefore, the Lord God hath given a commandment 

that all men should have charity, which charity is love

Equality Utah, Equality Arizona, and Equality Wyoming Censure of Mormon Stories

Mormon Stories frequently disparages the LDS Church in their accusatory videos for its stance on the LGBTQ community.  But the Church has always taught love and compassion for our LGBTQ brothers and sisters.  Mormon Stories, on the other hand, has been censured by Equality Utah, Equality Arizona, and Equality Wyoming for their treatment of gay members of the Church.  Credible?


"Know that even without action by a victim, your act of abuse 

will be publicly known, for Satan will expose you, then abandon you."

                       Richard G Scott - Quorum of the Twelve Apostles 

Mormon Stories is often critical of how women are treated within the Church.  Most women in the Church disagree.  However, 19 women who worked for the CEO at Mormon Stories have publicly censured him for his abusive behavior toward women.   Credible?

Open Letter from 19 Women who worked with the CEO at Mormon Stories:

We Do Not Support [CEO Name]

[CEO Name] has long used Mormon and x-Mormon women to mask his bad behavior.

He has used our talents, time, movements and reputation to bolster his brand and enrich himself. He takes advantage of vulnerable people in crisis, who are in legitimate need of help and community. When women come forward with critiques of his behavior or allegations of wrongdoing he retaliates by lashing out at them and attempting to publicly discredit them.

We have had enough.

Many of us have worked with him in the past, and want to make clear that we no longer do and don’t encourage any other women to do so. It’s not safe. We refuse to be used as a mask for abuse.

We think it’s a better use of everyone’s time and investment to support other folks building community and providing resources for exiting Mormonism. If you need therapy, you should seek out a professional who is actually licensed by the state to provide those services. If you need community (as we all do), you should seek out people who don’t regularly tear down women who disagree with them. It’s time we reconsider giving so much energy and support to someone who has the potential to do so much harm.

[CEO Name] often attempts to paint criticism as an “attack” and is an expert at making himself the victim.

This is not an attack. It’s a clarification of values. Our values are to support and believe women.

We invite you to do the same.


Kate Kelly, founder of Ordain Women

Jenn Kamp, former co-host of Mormon Stories Podcast and Director of Operations for Open Stories Foundation (Open Stories Foundation)

Joanna Smith, Ordain Women founding Board Member

Amy Grubbs, former Director of Operations for Open Stories Foundation (Open Stories Foundation)

Sharon Price, former Events Coordinator for Open Stories Foundation (Open Stories Foundation)

Dr. Kristy Money

Dr. Amber Choruby Whiteley

Dr. Mica McGriggs

Marisa McPeck-Stringham, MSW, CSW

April Carlson, LCSW

Aimee Evans Hickman, former editor-in-chief of Exponent II

Emily Clyde Curtis

Chelsi Barnard Archibald

Tresa Brown Edmunds

Hannah Wheelwright

“Rosebud,” representing herself and the many women [CEO Name] has intimidated into silence

Jaynee Talbot

Leanne Sawyer

Raina Kimball


In a court of Law, the credibility of a witness is crucial.  If a witness can be shown to have questionable behavior, or if they stand to gain something personally by their testimony, then their testimony is thrown out.

The testimony of Mormon Stories is invalid.  Their behavior includes threatening violence, showing contempt for the Church, providing misinformation, mocking, mistreating women, mistreating LGBTQ individuals, and making money from a faith loss they helped cause.  By their actions, they have invalidated any accusation they make against the Church or its Leaders.

In the words of Neal A. Maxwell, "Studying the church through the eyes of its defectors is like interviewing Judas to understand Jesus."  

The choice is yours.   You can spend months or years studying their accusations because you believe their words, or you can examine their motives and integrity, and throw out their testimony.

This brings us back to where it has always been.  The most solid foundation we can gain about the Gospel of Jesus Christ doesn’t come from critics or apologists.  It comes from God himself through the Holy Ghost.  He is, after all,  the source of all truth.